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The IIS Group operates in the field of inspections and testing with about  60 Qualified Inspectors, capable of performing second and third party inspections, non destructive testing  with different methods, expediting, QA/QC functions, inspections on site.

At shortest notice our inspectors can be operating at any location, in Italy and abroad, in workshops, construction yards, plants, to perform inspections and tests on pressure equipment, steel structures, piping.

We have accomplished inspections and in-site NDT in a large number of countries. More than 70 countries in the last ten years.

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Our services

Technical assistance

Comparative evaluation of compliance with different fabrication codes

Another service provided by our Engineering Department regards the comparative evaluation of design, fabrication procedures, welding procedure qualification plan, comparing the main reference codes...


Drafting and revision of technical specifications for procurement, fabrication and repair

The IIS Group is commited in drafting or revision of specifications or operative procedures, for procurement, design or fabrication and production processes control. Material / component procurement specifications establishing supplementary or particular requirements for quality or safety that allow to reach the expected performance Fabrication specifications and procedures Welding and PWHT procedure specifications NDT specifications Coating specifications Repair specifications and procedures.  

Conception and technological design of welding

The welded joint

base material requirements, pre-welding NDT, welding process, weld detail definition, edge preparation, tack weld procedure, backing gas, re-drying ...


Technical and scientific support

IIS SERVICE provides technical and scientific advice for design, fabrication, inspection issues.
Technical and scientific support are provided for: Optimization of design details Preliminary reliability assessments Material selection Metallurgy and weldability Welding sequences Welding technology Heat treatments Selection and POD (probability iof detection) of inspection technicques CIVA simulation Consultancy for application of ISO 3834 requirements Consultancy for application of FPC (Factory Production Control) according to EN 1090.

Technological design verification

IIS SERVICE engineers and technicians are committed in the technological design verifications, with particular reference to the rail & road infrastructure sector and to steel structures at...



Pre-service Inspection

Pre-service inspection is carried out before commissioning of new equipment and components. This type of inspection is adopted in oil & gas, power energy, chemical and petrochemical sectors, where equipment are subjected to periodical inspections during their operating life. Pre-service inspection has not a final testing purpose. Its purpose is rather to define the "zero point"  for several indicators that shall be monitored during operating life. In fact the results of a pre-service inspection are recorded and stored up to be compared, in the future, with further investigations results. Even reference blocks for UT examination are to be retained as well, to guarantee repeatability conditions in following UT investigations. Generally a pre-service inspection may include: ultrasonic testing for thickness measurements with as built thickness mapping ultrasonic testing of welds recording most relevant indications even if they are acceptable according to reference fabrication codes metallographic replicas: location mapping and recording of microstructures suface NDT and recording of most relevant indications In special cases pre-service inspections may include particular examinations such as special NDT aimed at detecting inclusions, delaminations and disbonding due to wet H2S service. IIS SERVICE provides an integrated service for pre-service inspection. Set up of inspection plan based upon potential damage mechanisms, performing of tests, inspection results recording and storage, retaining of reference blocks for further calibration.    

Inspection by drone

L'utilizzo dei droni ha ampliato le possibilità ispettive in molti campi. Oltre alle ispezioni visive aeree, la possibilità di equipaggiare il drone con apparecchiature per rilievi specifici offre diverse modalità di ispezione, controllo e monitoraggio, come le rilevazioni fotogrammetriche, l'effettuazione di modelli in 3D del terreno, la realizzazione di curve di livello, il calcolo di  volumetrie, l'effettuazione di analisi termografiche. >> Ispezioni aeree >> Rilevazioni fotogrammetriche >> Modelli 3D del terreno Modelli 3D del terreno Curve di livello Calcolo volumetrie >> Calcolo volume bacini di contenimento >> Termografia

Workshop and site inspection during fabrication stage

The IIS Group employs around 60 qualified inspectors. Most of them are employed in our companies IIS SERVICE and IIS CERT and are able to perform second and third party inspections. Survey, supervision, inspection and testing during workshop prefabrication Survey, supervision, inspection and testing during worksite erection Welding inspection Non Destructive testing Pre-service inspection QA-QC inspection Expediting Inspection for painting and surface protection Bolted connection inspection according to ASME PCC-1 Third Party inspection for conformity assessment of products, materials, components (NOBO inspections) Our qualified inspectors: IWI - International Welding Inspector IWE-IWT-IWS CSWIP Inspectors CSWIP Underwater inspectors AWS CWI (QC1) Inspector Liv. 2 NDT EN ISO 9712 - ASNT Liv. 3 NDT EN ISO 9712 - ASNT FROSIO Painting Inspectors Lev. 2 NACE Corrosion Technologists and Coating Inspectors Plant Inspectors and ASME Lev. 1 Plant Inspectors API Inpectors (510, 570, 653) ASME PCC-1 Inspectors (Bolting) Painting Inpectors - AICQ Our inspectors can carry out, witness, supervise different inspection stages provided by QCP (Quality Control Plans) of our Clients, by performing or supervising NDT, reading and interpreting  X-ray films, approval of testing results. The added value we can offer in our inspections is not only in the expertise of our own inspectors but also in the ongoing links between our site inspectors and our technical departments: Engineering, NDT, Technical Assistance, Laboratory, Certification, Education and Training. These departments are able to give technical support and assistance to smooth different issues which can arise on the job, to sort out NDT or weldability issues, to advise on the best repair procedures and provide coordination, making available reliability evaluations, fitness for service assessments, flaws acceptability reports, in real time. The IIS Group performs inspection activities in different industrial segments, Oil&Gas, Infrastructures, Transportation and, generally, in all industrial fields in which welded components, structures, equipment are manufactured and supplied. We operate by our own personnel and this has always been recognized as a strength point by our Clients. When a single IIS inspector is on site, the whole IIS Group is virtually there!

Welding Inspection

IIS Group boasts a longstanding experience in Welding Inspection activities.
IIS SERVICE welding inspectors are certified  IWI - CSWIP - API - ASME welding inspectors who perform survey, supervision activities during fabrication and eraction of new components and structures and during mantainance and repair activities. In addition to conventional welding inspection tasks: Base materials, filler materials, welding machines Fit-up and pre-assembly check Check or definition of proper welding sequences Check of welding parameters Technical advice for solving welding and assembly concerns Steady relationship with QA/QC functions and Site Management our inspectors can carry out, witness, supervise different inspection stages provided by QCP (Quality Control Plans) of our Clients by performing or supervision of NDT, reading and interpretation of X-ray films, and approval of testing results. Furthermore our inspectors are able to perform skill test aimed at screening and selection of welders emloyed in workshops and yards. The added value we can offer in our inspections is not only in the expertise of our own inspectors but also in the ongoing links between our site inspectors and our technical departments: Engineering, NDT, Technical Assistance, Laboratory, Certification, Education and Training. These departments are able to give technical support and assistance to smooth different issues which can arise on the job, to sort out NDT or weldability issues, to advise on the best repair procedures and provide coordination, making available reliability evaluations, fitness for service assessments, flaws acceptability reports, in real time. IIS Group performs inspection activities in different industrial segments, Oil&Gas, Infrastructures, Transportation and, generally, in all industrial fields in which welded components, structures, equipment are manufactured and supplied. We operate by our own personnel and this has always been recognized as a strength point by our Clients.
When a single IIS inspector is in site the whole IIS group is there!

Inspections for surface protection

Coating and surface protection IIS SERVICE operates with 20 coating inspectors certified according to NACE or FROSIO programs, carrying out following checks: Steel preparation Surface degreasing Abrasive blasting media (type, size, contamination, etc. Air compressor Blotter Test Cleanness after pickling Anchor pattern Materials (batch certificates, technical data sheet, etc) Environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity, dewpoint); Dust Test; Salt Test; Wet film thickness (WFT); Dry film thickness (DFT); Visual test Holiday Test Adhesion test (Cross cut– Pull off) Inspection on hot dip galvanized structures  Furthermore, IIS SERVICE Corrosion Engineers and Corrosion Technologists can issue coating specifications for new structures or maintenance works, according to Customer’s requirements in terms of durability, cost-saving, ambient conditions, Health & Safety With a minimum notice, our personnel can reach workshops, plants and construction sites worldwide to inspect vessels, piping, bridges and all other types of steel structures. In addition, headquarter personnel constantly supervises inspection activities and, whenever required, provides support from IIS Group divisions (Engineering, Diagnostics, Technical Assistance, Laboratory, Certification, Education&Training) on specific issues, e.g. control procedures, non-conformity and relevant corrective actions, repair specifications, etc.

Our inspectors

The IIS Group boasts nearly 60 qualified inspectors, most of them employed in IIS SERVICE and in IIS CERT, which are able to perform different type of inspections and supervision: during fabrication and erection, in workshop and worksite, performing NDT, QA/QC services, expediting and, finally, second and third party inspections. All our inspectors are equipped with our distinguishing expertise and professional requirements as well as adequate qualification for their tasks. Herebelow the international qualifications of our inspectors: IWI  International Welding Inspector IWE - IWT - IWS CSWIP (TWI) AWS CWI (QC1) Inspector Liv. 2 NDT Liv. 3 NDT FROSIO Painting Inspector NACE Coating/Corrosion Inspector Plant Inspectors and 2 ASME Lev. 1 Plant Inspectors API Inspectors (510, 570, 653) ASME PCC-1 Inspectors Painting Inspectors - AICQ The added value we can offer during our inspections is not only in the expertise of our own inspectors but also in the ongoing links between our site inspectors and our technical departments: Engineering, NDT, Technical Assistance, Laboratory, Certification, Education and Training. These departments are able to give technical support and assistance to smooth different issues which can arise on the job. The IIS Group performs inspection activities in different industrial segments, Oil&GAS, Infrastructures, Transportation and, generally, in all industrial fields in which welded components, structures, equipment are manufactured and supplied. At shortest notice our inspectors can be operating at any location, in Italy and abroad, in workshop, construction yards and plants, to perform inspections and tests on pressure equipment, steel structures, piping. We operate by our own personnel and this has always been recognized as a strength point by our Clients.   When a single IIS inspector is on site, the whole IIS Group is virtually there!

Inspection of mechanical fastening

IIS SERVICE operates with 60 inspectors certified as IWI (International Welding Inspector) and CISI (Certified In-Service Inspector), carrying out following checks: Contact surface in slip resistant connections (preparation and treatment, rugosity, burrs) Bolting assemblies (certificates, dimensions, resistance and functional class, surface conditions) Dimensional tolerances (alignment, planarity of flanges, gap in cover plates, anchor bolts,) Difference in thickness and packing plates Completeness of connections Pretightening and tightening according to EN 1090-2 requirements (torque method and combined method)  With a minimum notice, our personnel can reach workshops, plants and construction sites worldwide to inspect buildings, bridges and all other types of steel structures. In addition, headquarter personnel constantly supervises inspection activities and, whenever required, provides support from IIS Group divisions (Engineering, Diagnostics, Technical Assistance, Laboratory, Certification, Education&Training) on specific issues, e.g. control procedures, non-conformity and relevant corrective actions, repair specifications, etc.

In-service inspection

The IIS Group carries out in-service inspection assuming different roles. IIS SERVICE provides Plant Inspectors for the performing, supervision and coordination of inspection activities during mantainance turn-around of refinery, petrochemical and power generation plants. Inspections on critical equipment are carried out directly by our inspectors.
Furthermore IIS SERVICE boasts a longstanding hands-on experience in inspection of infrastructures, bridges and buildings. Training and experience of IIS SERVICE inspectors are key issues which allow plant users’ needs to be met.
Sometimes the Inspection Plan is defined by IIS SERVICE based on a Risk Based Inspection analysis carried out by the Engineering department, both in the Oil&Gas and in the Infrastructure sectors, where IIS SERVICE has prepared an in-house procedure for RBI evaluations. IIS CERT performs in Italy inspections by law, directly or through consortium CEC (Europen Certification Consortium), during service life of componentes, with the official role of Authorized Body for periodical inspection required by law. The added value we can give in our inspection is not only in the expertise of our own inspectors. It stands in the steady connection between our site inspectors and our technical departments: Engineering, NDT, Technical Assistance, Laboratory, Certification, Education and Training. These departments are able to give, in real time, the required technical support and assistance to face different issues which can rise on the job: to sort out NDT issues, to provide, even during shut-down periond, required repair procedures and repair activities coordination, making available reliability or fitness for service evaluation for flaws acceptability, providing the upgrading of training and qualificaton of welding and NDT personnel, etc...


Piping inspection - Long Range Guided Wave inspection

IIS SERVICE effettua ispezioni di tubazioni con il Sistema ad Onde Guidate sin dal 2001. La tecnologia ad onde guidate consente l’ispezione rapida e completa di lunghi tratti di tubazione grazie all’applicazione di onde ultrasonore flessurali di tipo guidato. Essa consiste essenzialmente in uno strumento multi - canale che riceve il segnale ultrasonoro da un elevato numero di sonde fissate su un apposito anello che abbraccia l’intera circonferenza del tubo. Le sonde generano onde di Lamb, che, in considerazione della loro ridotta frequenza (compresa tra 10 e 35 kHz), si propagano, con modo torsionale, in direzione assiale ed in maniera tale da scansionare l’intera circonferenza, per un tratto di tubo lungo alcune decine di metri. In situazioni di ridotta attenuazione del segnale (ad esempio, tubi rettilinei, in buone condizioni e privi di coibentazione), con una sola scansione si possono coprire anche fino a 100 metri.
Tali distanze vanno ovviamente a ridursi quando si è in presenza di caratteristiche geometriche complesse (curve, stacchi, ecc.) o in considerazione dell’attenuazione del segnale causata da fenomeni di corrosione generalizzata o presenza di strati di protezione bituminosa. In corrispondenza di variazioni locali della sezione del tubo (presenza di saldature, corrosioni, stacchi) l’apparecchio rileva un segnale sotto forma di eco. Un sistema computerizzato consente di distinguere i segnali che provengono da una riflessione di tipo simmetrico (cioè, che avviene sull’intera circonferenza), quale ad esempio quella che proviene da una saldatura, dai segnali asimmetrici provenienti da crateri di corrosione o stacchi sulla tubazione. La capacità e l’esperienza dell’operatore permettono di valutare gli echi riportati dall’apparecchio, distinguendo le caratteristiche geometriche del tubo dai fenomeni di tipo corrosivo. Lo strumento non richiede, inoltre, preparazioni superficiali e può lavorare su superfici verniciate, su linee con tubazioni di spessore differente e in presenza di cambi di direzione.       

Pulsed Eddy Current

L'Eddy Current Testing (ECT) è una tecnica di controllo non distruttivo che si basa sull'elettromagnetismo.
Il campo magnetico generato da una bobina alimentata con corrente alternata produce, in un pezzo da esaminare, correnti indotte che influenzano il valore di impedenza della bobina che le ha generate. In presenza di difetti le modificazioni locali di conduttività elettrica e permeabilità magnetica possono essere rilevate attraverso una variazione di impedenza della bobina.
Caratteristiche di questo metodo di controllo sono: possibilità di esaminare oggetti e componenti di spessore elevato
(superiore anche a 100mm) possibilità di effettuare il controllo senza il contatto diretto con la superficie del pezzo da esaminare possibilità di effettuare il controllo attraverso rivestimenti, guaine, superfici non preparate (anche ossidate e corrose) e coibentazioni di elevato spessore
(oltre i 300 mm) possibilità di effettuare il controllo su superfici esercite a temperature elevate
(superiori a 500 °C).  

Automated non destructive testing

IIS SERVICE carries out, through its own personnel and equipment, automated non destructive testing: • P-SCAN  for materials and welds ultrasonic remote testing
• PAUT (Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing)
• TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction)

These techniques are adopted in pipes and pipeworks, pressure vessels, tanks, heavy steel structures and allow the detection, localization, sizing and shaping of defects and their nature interpretation. Moreover these techniques are useful for the recording and storage of testing results for future tracking.


3D LASER scanner manuale è una tecnica di controllo che consente di rilevare tramite HandySCAN portatile le aree di corrosione e i danneggiamenti meccanici presenti sulle superfici di serbatoi di stoccaggio e apparecchiature in pressione.  Le superfici da controllare sono scansionate in tempo reale e con precisione elevata (fino a 0.030 mm) grazie all'applicazione di target magnetici sulle superfici stesse.
Successivamente la scansione viene elaborata mediante software Pipecheck, attraverso il quale viene redatto un report contenente tutte le indicazioni rilevate, indicando per ciascuno la tipologia di corrosione, la dimensione, la posizione assiale e circonferenziale, la profondità massima.

Detection of typical damage - Ultrasonic procedures for HTHA, SCC, SOHIC, HIC

IIS SERVICE has developed in-house NDT ultrasonic procedures to detect and evaluate typical damage and defects due to damage mechanisms which affect components operating in refinery and petrochemical plants. NDT ultrasonic procedures have been developed for the following damage: HTHA - High Temperature Hydrogen Attack SCC - Stress Corrosion Cracking SOHIC - Stress Oriented Hydrogen Induced Cracking HIC - Hydrogen Induced Cracking  

Terrestrial laser scanner

Caratteristiche di questa tecnologia sono: >> Creazione nuvola di punti 3D Serbatoi di stoccaggio Apparecchiature in pressione Ponti Gallerie Impiantistica >> Velocità di acquisizione dati
>> Possibilità di esportazione in formati differenti
>> Valutazione accurata delle deformazioni dei componenti
>> Rilievi di verticalità
>> Rilievi di cilindricità.

Non destructive testing for aboveground storage tanks

IIS SERVICE is able to provide a wide range of services dedicated to aboveground storage tanks inspection and testing, to assess their structural integrity.  Acoustic Emission Floor Scanner for the bottom Dimensional check - verticality UT testing for shell by magnetic crawler Inspection activities can come from the inspection planning determined by a previous Risk Based Inspection analysis undertaken on the tank farm. Results of inspection can be used for further assessment, to evaluate the timing for next inspection or to carry out engineering structural evaluation.      

Heat exchangers tubes inspection

IIS SERVICE is able to provide a complete series of inspections for heat exchangers or air-coolers tubes, to verify the integrity of tubes.  Eddy currents IRIS technique Remote field MFL - Magnetic Flux Leakage       

NDT - Surface, Volumetric Non Destructive Testing

IIS SERVICE operates in field carrying our surface and volumetric non destructive testing, through its 40 certified inspectors at Lev.2 and Lev. 3 according to EN ISO 9712 and ASNT TC1-A in the following NDT methods: Visual testing VT Magnetic particle inspection MT Penetrant testing PT Ultrasonic testing UT Leak testing LT Hardness testing Portable parent material identification PMI Alternating Current Field Measurement ACFM Metallographic replicas Organic and anticorrosion coating inspection and testing spanning most of current NDT technologies except worksite radiographic testing that is not performed at client facilities but only in-house. At shortest notice our inspectors can be operating in any location, in Italy and abroad, in workshops, construction yards, plants, to perform tests on pressure equipment, steel structures, piping. The added value we can offer during our inspections is not only in the expertise of our own inspectors but also in the ongoing links between our site inspectors and our technical departments: Engineering, NDT, Technical Assistance, Laboratory, Certification, Education and Training. These departments are able to give technical support and assistance to smooth different issues which can arise on the job, to sort out NDT issues, to advise on the best repair procedures and provide coordination, making available reliability evaluations, fitness for service assessments, flaws acceptability reports and other type of support, in real time.

Metallographic replicas

IIS SERVICE performs in-site non destructive metallographic examination through replicas. This type of non destructive investigation is generally required to examine microstructures of materials (plates, pipes, forgings, castings) or on welded joints to examine base metal, weld metal and heat affected zone microstructures. This test is able to reveal microstructural damage or ageing phenomena (brittle phase precipitation, creep damage) or to interpretate the nature of cracking phenomena (fatigue, corrosion, hydrogen attack, etc.). The investigation may have several purposes: to ascertain microstructural damage due to overheating, burning or fire; assessment of ageing phenomena during service time and residual life estimation; pre-service inspection for microstructure recording at the start-up of service time for comparison during further inspection >> The technique Elimination of surface non metallic layers (oxidation, paint, etc.) by grinding Gross polishing by abrasive paper Fine polishing by diamond paste Chemical etching to reveal different metallographic phases and microstructures Application on the surface of cellulose acethate film to replicate the microstructure Removal of cellulose film to be observed Observation of the replica with optical or scanning electron microscope. IIS SERVICE has a longstanding experience in investigation by replica, both in extraction technique and in interpretation. Our technicians and engineers are able to intervene in workshops, plant or worksite for carrying out the examination and providing prompt interpretation.